Monday, August 11, 2014

Left Over

Some of that yummy pico de gallo is leftover in the fridge. I am enjoying this leftover on top of everything from tortilla chips to hamburgers, salads, and on the side of fresh sweet corn. It’s just yummy goodness that leaves my lips tingling from the jalapeno and my nose happy from the wonderfully fresh smells. I love leftovers and their endless possibilities.

The word combination left-over was something I was mulling in my mind as I walked down the sidewalk this afternoon. An interesting combo! Something was left behind; and it’s over and beyond what could be used before. If I play a little game with the words, I could say Left + Over = Abundant Blessings!

Now that I’m thinking about it, I wonder what other left overs I have in my life.  What are those things that have been given in “good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over?” Images and memories flash through my mind. 

Moments of great love, family times, and sweet reunions and all things I have been given in abundant measure.  Grace, joy and a peace that is beyond explanation are pressed down. The ability to pause and enjoy the coldness of mountain streams, the blueness of glaciers, the smell of the young leaves, and hearing a bird as it sings to the rising sun they are all shaken together. And they run over into blessings that are so full that I have left overs! 

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