Sunday, April 18, 2010


Yesterday, I helped to share 10,000 pounds of food through a food bank program. It was an amazing and touching experience. A local food pantry made arrangements to bring the food to the church, making it a distribution point. About forty people showed up to help unload the truck, and then others came to receive the food.

It was just a really overwhelming experience, in a good way. Produce, canned goods, cereal, beans, pasta were all lined up around the truck. Then, people could get boxes and bags, to gather a certain amount of each.

I think the first time it hit me, the type of impact this could make, was watching the volunteers unload the truck. There was a wide age range that came to help, old and young and everything in-between. Then, people came to get food. There were families and couples, people by themselves, and all variety of ages. There were great needs being met, great needs that were there. Needs for food, needs for care, needs for someone to talk to, needs for hope. So many needs, so many many needs. That, blended with the turnout to help meet some of the needs was a beautiful thing.

I am thankful for the full freezer that greeted me, a pantry well stocked. I am full, I am not hungry. I have needs, just like everyone else. But, I am thankful that my needs are met.

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