Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Sum of Parts

   I have heard writers refer to being more than the “sum of the parts” for years. But, I haven’t really given much thought as to what that meant. Then, flipping through the Guidepost, I saw an article by Glenn Close. She wrote about mental illness in her family, and how her sister said that she was “not her disease, but was being treated for her disease.” I love that! That to me made the sum of parts all fall into place.

   I am more than the sum of my parts. I am more than my hopes and fears, my insecurities and confidences, my successes and failures. I am more than what could be and what is. What a relief! I can find myself riding the tidal wave of current events and being pushed right up onto the beach so quickly that my head is in a tail spin. Everything is going along fine and then, woosh, the speed picks up and I can feel the wave to start wanting to pull me into a tumble again. When the parts get to be overwhelming, I want to stand up and yell, I am not a disease, a failure, a perception, a success! I am me and I am more than the sum of my parts!

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