Each season has it’s beauty and unique special qualities. The winter snow is beautiful and I love how the moon is reflected on the white surfaces. Even the tree branches seem to be lit up like they have specially designed lighting on them. Summer is so casually hot, warm breezes move eagerly through areas bogged down with moisture and humidity, star filled nights are perfect for sky watching. I admit that autumn is my favorite, the smell of leaves and the earth preparing for winter, the cool in the evenings and the lingering warmth in the afternoons. But spring, that is also very special. Soon the temperatures will start rising and days will start becoming lighter longer, just a few short months away. Then, the earth will thaw and buds will start appearing.
Fully enjoying the snow, I am dreaming of a green spring and what I will do outside. Perhaps try my hand at grape vines, expand and prune back the herb bed. Split hostas and lilies to put them in other spots. Living in a spot with yard and woods, I am dreaming of taking just a little spot of untamed woods and putting in a little wild flower spot. A spot that will be perfect suited to time with a blanket in the summer to dream of hobbit gardens, to read books and relax. Not very big, but something tucked among the trees with flowering vines surrounding it, drooping like great sweetly scented curtains. Little fruit trees gathered in one spot with lavender and onions planted at their base. Cheery black eyed susans will welcome dandelions that are not welcome out in the grass. Perhaps I can scour the woods around to find natural native flowers that can be arranged and welcomed. Oh, I can nearly feel the breeze now, such a nice time to dream of a green spring.
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