Monday, February 22, 2010

Aspirations of Normalcy – Really?

Sit for one TV show and you will watch several breaks of commercials.  Obviously, they are commercials and therefore by nature designed to compel you to purchase, go, or act in a certain fashion.  Buy this outfit, fix your hair like this, drive this car, fit in be normal.
But, what is NormalShould I really aspire to be normal?  Should you?  I have my own sense of who I am and who I can be.  Imagine that you are standing in a gallery filled with beautiful paintings.  Each is unique, each is different though there are similar themes found in many of them.  There paint has been mixed to fit just that canvas perfectly, blended by a deft hand and applied in a masterful way.  Lighting has been arranged to catch the best of each of the paintings.  Carefully hung, each is unique as you stroll past.  Now, imagine that this gallery is really the sidewalk of a street.  Each person you meet is a carrying a painting in their arms.  Each one is a unique work of art by the Master artist.  Unique, and I’m aspiring for normalcy?  Nope – I don’t think so!  I’m aspiring for something extraordinary.  How about you?

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