Saturday, February 20, 2010

Olympic dreams on Washington School hill

Across the street from where I live is an elementary school with a great sledding hill.  Turning left from the driveway, driving down the road on my way to run a quick errand, a young boy was walking towards the hill.  Bundled in a quilted style blue coat, with a black toboggan, his little face stood out and looked fiercely determined.  In his arms, he was holding a snowboard. 
The Olympics are going on right now, and many children will be inspired.  I wondered driving past him if the Olympics had been on at his house.  Now, a new snow board was being tried out, with a dream of Olympic glory in a small boy’s head.  I do enjoy watching the games, but I think that one of the things I like the most is the dreams that are born every four years with each Olympic games. 
To that little boy – dream big!

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