Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sun and Moon

We had about two weeks of classic Mid-West winter weather here in Iowa this last January.  Grey skies, grey ground, grey grey grey!  Blah!  After about two weeks of not seeing the sun,  I think people started to slowly lose their minds, collectively.  Me included.  Everything big or little felt big, everything was a little harder, little more draining, and then the complaining started. 
The sun, which is out today and absolutely beautiful, makes such an incredible difference.  It chases away much of the winter doldrums, brightens the snow back up to it’s gleaming white, and warms us.  Standing in the window, I close my eyes and just soak in the warmth that is offered.
God kind of reminds me of the sun.  We can’t look at them straight on – they are blinding.  Providing warmth and clarity of sight, they do remind me of each other, the creator and the creation.  I can’t be a sun.  That’s not my job.  I think I’m more like the moon.  The moon that is to reflect the sun, shining it’s own light not from the inside but as the light bounces off.  I need to make sure that my surface (my heart, attitudes, spirit, choices, and mind) reflects God. 
How am I doing at reflecting God?  That is a question for me to continue to ask myself.  

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