Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Year in Review

It’s rather a normal thing to stop and think over a year as the new one begins.  The struggles, victories, projects, accomplishments, laughter, and tears all blend together in my memories to form a year.  The year 2009 started off with really letting go of a long term burden, and being able to do so without regret.  In the stead of that good-bye, I have said hello to several old friends, with whom I have enjoyed finding out how they are doing.  Pictures of children, shared memories of gone by days of school, memories of music from a very talented band and our mutual connections have provided moments where it feels as if we were still gathered around that round cafeteria lunch table.  How I love to hear of them doing well, how proud I am to see where we each have come, where we each are going.
New friendships have been forged as well, some of which I am greatly honored to be included in.  These are people with wisdom and kindness, which have taken a place in my heart that would weep if they were suddenly absent.  They have offered gentle counsel and sources of information. 
It has been a year with pain.  Several conflicts brought me to my knees with prayers and tears.  The sorrow of people I care for, the hurt of cruel words, the cynicism that tried to worm its way in with acts garnered to breed mistrust.  There was indeed rain, tears of sorrow that fell.  However, from those times of being cloaked in aching wounds, I have had an opportunity to see new growth and real change.  I have had the opportunity to share with others my own hurts and experiences at points where I am healing or have healed.  My pain was never wasted and I have felt peace as never before.
School ended, hooray for graduation.  I have saved my micro-econ textbook and notes for the express purpose of burning them this next summer.  What can I say, I am not a math minded person.  School did finally end and a few weeks later, I went to pick up my diploma.  Masters in Business Administration, with an additional concentration in Human Resources, it was a proud moment.  It was difficult to put that paper down, though it is only a representation of the effort and comprehension.  I ended this time very burnt out, up, and through as I had spent nearly every evening and weekend buried in books, paper, calculators, and my laptop for three years.  After a few tests (yes, it was that math again) which took over twelve hours to complete, my brain felt like it was on complete and total overload, soon to become a pile of mush.  Thankfully, burnout is not a permanent thing, and in time I have found myself not only picking up my writing again, but research as well. 
Quieted by a badly sprained ankle and knee, I spent two and a half months preparing for the Great Banquet.  If you are ever invited to attend, please say yes.  This was a life changing time, and I walked from this time refreshed and ready to continue my journey, strengthened by the transparency of some amazing women and many acts of caring and Christian love. 
This was a year I have been so proud of dear friends, family.  I have seen them make wise choices, grow in their faith, and provide hospitality that is truly tender and kind.  We have held each other through tears, in prayer, and in laughter.  Through many phone calls, text messages, e-mails and trips, the roads between Iowa and Ohio have been well used, though not as well used as we would sometimes like.  I am indeed proud of them and am so blessed by who they are and who they will be. 
In this last year, I have been grateful many times over for my parents.  Though I have looked and considered houses a few times, I am always welcomed to stay at home and get out from the burden of the student loans first.  But, that is only a small piece of my gratitude.  Over this past year, we have continued to grow as a family.  This time is something I have looked at as very precious as the relationship that exists here is more than just mom and dad, but as dear friends, confidants, and mentors. 
Oh what a year, a year with a yellow puppy and a sweet chocolate lab, nine Christmas trees, and easily reading over twenty books (please don’t ask me to list them all).  It was a year of growth, of pruning, and peace in God’s goodness.  Oh what a year to remember. 

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